4A32 Mysterious Gouache!
-Adult- | Available
An introduction to this beautiful, misunderstood medium. Not quite acrylic – not quite watercolour, gouache is a paint that can be used multiple ways. Added to your watercolour paintings, you’ll find its matte finish and opaqueness delivers depth and vibrancy to your floral, landscape and abstract works. Starting with our watercolour or acrylic brushes, we'll do some simple landscape and floral exercises on watercolour paper before moving on to mounted canvas or canvas paperwork. Or if you wish, try yupo or mineral papers as each one delivers its own unique results with the gouache. This full day workshop is intended to help you gain a feel for gouache's capabilities, whether alone or combined with other mediums. Previous experience with watercolour and/or acrylic is recommended.
Members: $82.69 + HST, Non-Members: $85 + HST. Sunday.
Lena Montecalvo
A self-taught watercolour artist, Lena uses vibrant hues in untraditional ways and advocates for “colouring outside the lines.” Establishing a spirited studio environment that fosters experimentation and self-expression, Lena believes art is for everyone and with the right instruction and motivation, we can all access our creative abilities.