4A118 *NEW* Art History – Artists’ Lives

-Adult- | Available

21 Ogilvie Street Dundas, ON L9H 2S1 Canada
Studio 2 - Main Floor
No previous art experience required
1:00 PM-3:30 PM EDT on Mon
Member Discount Available

4A118 *NEW* Art History – Artists’ Lives

-Adult- | Available

This unique class offers a blend of lecture, discussion and engaging art exercises as we look at artists past and present – who against the odds and often with dramatic life journeys – pursued making art to a level of success. We’ll explore their history, education, lifestyle and the experiences that shaped their creative life and perspectives. Bring a sketch/note pad and drawing tools – coloured pencils/markers or a watercolour kit. We’ll engage in discussion, make notes and sketch up ideas based on each artists’ work as we look to apply new concepts to our art practice. No previous art experience required – beginners can get their feet wet while more advanced students can use this series to go deeper into your creative process. *Please note: there will be no class on May 19th*  

Members: $199.09 + HST, Non-Members: $205 + HST. Monday. 

Vanderbreggen, Rosemary
Rosemary Vanderbreggen

An instructor at DVSA and Haliburton School of Art & Design, Rosemary works primarily in the mediums of collage and paint, but is also known to create sculpture and photography artworks. She was the first Reclaim Resident Artist at Haliburton School of Art & Design and has exhibited widely with works in national and international collections. Grounded in art principles and always one to honour the process, she’ll have you easing out of your comfort zone and creating fresh work of which to be proud.