4A79 Handbuilding for The Garden

-Adult- | Available

21 Ogilvie Street Dundas, ON L9H 2S1 Canada
Pottery Studio - Lower Level
All levels.
9:30 AM-12:00 PM EDT on Fri
Member Discount Available

4A79 Handbuilding for The Garden

-Adult- | Available

Bring your spring garden to life with the addition of your own unique accents such as a handmade clay bird bath, lantern or a creature of your own imagination. Using the ceramic handbuilding techniques of coiling, pinching, extruding and slab building, we’ll spark a creative fire and shape wonderful forms ready to make their home amongst your flowers and greenery. All levels.

Members: $350.24 + HST, Non-Members: $359 + HST (Prices include $55 firing & glazing fee) Clay extra. Friday. 

Zoë Pinnell