4A59 Drawing Into Painting – Int

-Adult- | Available

21 Ogilvie Street Dundas, ON L9H 2S1 Canada
The Loft, 3rd Floor
1:00 PM-3:30 PM EDT on Th
Member Discount Available

4A59 Drawing Into Painting – Int

-Adult- | Available

A course for the intermediate painter wishing to strengthen their work according to their own aesthetic. Using thumbnail drawings, you’ll begin by developing strong and interesting compositions. These quick studies will then be transposed onto your support – canvas, paper, board or other suitable surfaces. We’ll explore underpainting, blocking in values, assessing colour temperatures and layering paint/colour to achieve a strong and unified whole. Use any painting medium with which you have familiarity –     acrylic, oil, watercolour or pastel. Artists may work from their own photos, sketches, still-life set-ups, mirrors, etc. Come prepared with source material, sketchbook and pencil, and your chosen painting medium and support (canvas, etc.)

Members: $296.21 + HST, Non- Members: $305 + HST. Thursday.   


Sneath, Holly
Holly Sneath

A Dundasian at heart, Holly began her own art education at DVSA. Her highly regarded painting and drawing work has been exhibited across Canada, the U.S. and Italy. Fine teaching instincts along with a knack for finding just the right music soundtrack in the studio are the secret to Holly’s skill at delivering art foundations to new students and stretching the limits for those looking to grow. Learn more about Holly here.