4A31 Intermediate and Advanced Watercolour: Landscapes and Architecture

-Adult- | Available

21 Ogilvie Street Dundas, ON L9H 2S1 Canada
Studio 2 - Main Floor
1:00 PM-3:30 PM EDT on Th
Member Discount Available

4A31 Intermediate and Advanced Watercolour: Landscapes and Architecture

-Adult- | Available

For the watercolour artist with experience, this class is designed to build on your developing watercolour skills and increase your confidence in this medium. Explore basic value and composition related to landscape and architecture painting. Exercises will include transparency, layering, value, perspective, spontaneity and colour use. Plenty of group and individual instruction provided.  
Members: $296.21 + HST, Non- Members: $305 + HST. Thursday.   

Keesmaat, Irene
Irene Keesmaat

An accomplished artist and a life-long teacher of the visual arts, Irene’s courses are a blend of detailed lessons, structured studies and always one or two of her humorous stories. Her courses will leave you with new ways of seeing and a wealth of art knowledge and inspiration. Learn more about Irene here.