1A07 *NEW* Botanical Art: Going Green – Painting A Leaf

-Adult- | Available

21 Ogilvie Street Dundas, ON L9H 2S1 Canada
Pre-requisite: Making Mother Nature’s Primary Colour workshop
9:30 AM-3:30 PM EDT on Wed Th Fri
Member Discount Available

1A07 *NEW* Botanical Art: Going Green – Painting A Leaf

-Adult- | Available

This 3-day workshop – suited to newcomers in botanical art – will cover basic leaf morphology. Working from a specimen, you’ll learn how to create an accurate drawing in preparation for the painting process. Heather will guide you through the stages of layering colour and capturing essential vein structure as well as injecting realism into a single leaf study through light and shadow awareness. Pre-requisite: Making Mother Nature’s Primary Colour workshop highly recommended. Participants must already own or purchase a copy of the accompanying e-booklet Going Green with Watercolour "available as an add-on when registering for $20 + HST.

Members: $203.06 + HST, Non-Members: $209 + HST (Prices include $3 material fee).

Heather Gross