4A106 Fibre Memories Fabric Collage

-Adult- | Available

21 Ogilvie Street Dundas, ON L9H 2S1 Canada

Studio 4 - Third Floor

All levels.


9:30 AM-3:30 PM EDT on Sun


Member Discount Available

Here is an opportunity to use your fabric stash (or just the fabrics provided) to “paint with fabric” and create a unique collage. You’ll first plan your design and then learn how to assemble and embellish your textile creation. Simple transfers will allow you to include images along with embroidery and appliques in your work. At the end of the two sessions, you’ll have a finished 2-D or 3-D artwork that could also be transformed into an item for more practical use. Available to all levels – beginner to advanced.  

Members: $180.59 + HST, Non-Members: $185 + HST (Prices include $30 material fee). Sunday.