4A102 Drawing with Thread

-Adult- | Available

21 Ogilvie Street Dundas, ON L9H 2S1 Canada

Studio 3 - Main Floor

All levels.

2024-05-31 (one day)

9:30 AM-3:30 PM EDT on Fri


Member Discount Available

Discover how you can use simple hand sewing techniques as a form of drawing to make a small-scale fabric collage. You’ll expand your understanding of image generation by composing with fabric and drawing with thread – a unique alternative strategy that can result in transferable ideas for any art medium. Be sure to bring in a variety of surplus fabric pieces (translucent, printed, opaque) to supplement what is provided so you can personalize your collage with fabrics that hold meaning for you.

Members: $76.87 + HST, Non-Members: $79 + HST. Friday.