4A57 Exploring Post Impressionism: Paul Cézanne and Vincent Van Gogh

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21 Ogilvie Street Dundas, ON L9H 2S1 Canada

The Loft, 3rd Floor

Some painting experience recommended.


7:00 PM-9:30 PM EDT on Tue


Member Discount Available

Enliven your paintings by learning and experimenting with the bold brushwork, vibrant colours and energized compositions of master painters, Cézanne and Van Gogh. Many artists, including the Group of 7, have been inspired by these lively painting as drawing techniques. We start with constructive drawing, composition and mark making exercises. Then we apply this knowledge to copy one still life and one landscape or create our own compositions. Acrylics, oils or watercolour all suitable. Some painting experience recommended. Part 1: Cézanne and the Art of the Still Life (5 weeks) Part 2: Van Gogh and Modelling Landscape (5 weeks).    
Members: $286.51 + HST, Non-Members: $295 + HST. Tuesday. 

Gordon, Diana

Diana is an artist and archaeologist living in Hamilton. As a painter, she is versed in a wide variety of subjects, techniques and styles, using the works of the art world greats as building blocks for her explorations. She brings an extensive knowledge of art fundamentals to her classes at DVSA and the Art Gallery of Hamilton, where students repeatedly sign up for her classes. Learn more about Diana here.