4A56 Seeing the World Like an Impressionist Painter

-Adult- | This program is completed

21 Ogilvie Street Dundas, ON L9H 2S1 Canada

Studio 6 - Lower Level

All levels.


9:30 AM-12:00 PM EDT on Wed


Member Discount Available

Paint your vision of the world in the tradition of the great impressionists – Monet, Manet, Degas and more. You’ll learn the natural light, colour and brush techniques used by the artists of this era to make their unique and genuine works. An objective of this course is to allow you to experience the creative process through the human eye and your senses, so you can interpret light, air and space in your paintings. The focus will be still-life and landscape painting with plenty of individual attention and instruction provided. All levels are welcome. Acrylics and oils.

Members: $131.19 + HST, Non-Members: $135 + HST. Wednesday.