1A10 Loosen Up with Watercolour

-Adult- | Available

21 Ogilvie Street Dundas, ON L9H 2S1 Canada

Studio 1 - Main Floor

All levels.


7:00 PM-9:30 PM EDT on Tue


Member Discount Available

Have you enjoyed watercolour’s magical results, but yearn to move to a more loose and flowing painting style? Learn how to up the water and colour intensity with your landscapes, florals or abstracts. This class will move you gradually from wet on dry to wet on wet, starting with small pieces and partially wet surfaces to larger works with plenty of splashing, spraying and blooms galore! For all levels.

Members: $257.41 + HST, Non-Members: $265 + HST. Tuesday. 

Montecalvo, Lena

A self-taught watercolour artist, Lena uses vibrant hues in untraditional ways and advocates for “colouring outside the lines.” Establishing a spirited studio environment that fosters experimentation and self-expression, Lena believes art is for everyone and with the right instruction and motivation, we can all access our creative abilities.