1A06 Portrait Drawing – First Steps

-Adult- | Available

21 Ogilvie Street Dundas, ON L9H 2S1 Canada


At least one previous drawing class is advised.


1:00 PM-3:30 PM EDT on Tue Wed Th Fri


Member Discount Available

Capturing the likeness of a human subject is immensely gratifying, but no easy task. This absolute beginner summer portrait class is for those who may be curious about portrait drawing, but uncertain how to begin. You’ll receive the encouragement, knowledge and basic skills needed to create convincing renderings while exploring a variety of media such as pencil and charcoal. Holly will provide daily demonstrations and considerable individual instruction, all designed to give you the confidence to enter the world of portrait artistry. At least one previous drawing class is advised.

Members: $175.21 + HST, Non-Members: $179 + HST (Price includes model fee)

Sneath, Holly

A Dundasian at heart, Holly began her own art education at DVSA. Her highly regarded painting and drawing work has been exhibited across Canada, the U.S. and Italy. Fine teaching instincts along with a knack for finding just the right music soundtrack in the studio are the secret to Holly’s skill at delivering art foundations to new students and stretching the limits for those looking to grow. Learn more about Holly here.