Fashion Design 6th+

Class | Available

The Crossing Church 1227 N. Market Blvd Sacramento, CA 95834 United States
11:00 AM-12:20 PM on Tue

Fashion Design 6th+

Class | Available

2nd semester: Intro to Fashion Design

In the first semester, students will learn Sewing fundamentals such as the use of a sewing machine, various stitches, pattern and fabric selection, basic construction
techniques, pressing skills, timesaving tips, and correct technique.

Note: A sewing machine will be available for use in class.

Students will need their own sewing supplies:

1.    Magnetic seam guide ( If you can’t find them I have some that can be used in class.)
2.    Seam ripper
4.    18” clear plastic ruler
5.    Pin cushion
6.    Machine needles (variety pack)
7.    Bees wax (optional)
8.    Glass head pins 1-1 1/2” long (Yellow quilting pins)
9.    3-ring binder
10.  Thread (Coats and Clark)  2 spools:  1 white, 1 a color of your choice
11.  1 yard of muslin
12.  Hand sewing needles (sharps)

Students who complete the sewing class will be eligible to enroll in Fashion Design in the second semester.

2nd Semester: Fashion Design

The goal of this class is to introduce the students to the patternmaking and skills needed for fashion design. Students will be doing patternmaking in class and sewing in class and at home. The result will be a garment created and sewn of your original idea.


1.    An understanding of the fashion industry
2.    How to get your creative thoughts on paper through sketching your ideas
3.    Introduction to patternmaking by creating a basic block
4.    Working through various patternmaking techniques using a ½ scale pattern to help you execute your ideas
5.    Creating a pattern from your basic block from your creative idea/sketch
6.    Construction of your creative garment idea to completion.

Brenda Holts