PE TK-3rd 2 PM

Class | Available

River City Baptist Church 4620 Northgate Blvd #110 Sacramento, CA 95838 United States
2:00 PM-2:50 PM on Tue

PE TK-3rd 2 PM

Class | Available

Based on the principles of mechanics, consistency and then intensity, our P.E. program emphasizes good movement throughout childhood and adolescence. Consistently good mechanics translates to physical literacy, enhanced sports performance and fewer sports injuries for kids. Not only that, a vast body of research indicates that exercise is beneficial to cognitive function which means consistent participation can have a positive impact on children’s academic achievement. Industry professionals from the IronMile gym will instruct this class which will translate into BIG fun for all ages. Students will learn an active alternative to sedentary pursuits which means less childhood obesity and all-around better health. Further, the needs of second graders and high-school varsity wrestlers differ by degree but not kind; the program is scalable for any age or experience level and accounts for the varied maturation status one can find in a class full of kids. This program is designed to be minimalist. It requires little or no equipment allowing a wide array of socioeconomic groups an opportunity to be physically fit and physically active throughout their lives.

  • If this class is full, we will give priority enrollment to any waitlisted students in the second semester.
Stefanie Alderman