Alla Prima Clothed Figure and Interior Painting

Alla Prima Clothed Figure and Interior Painting

Adult Class | Available

Intermediate to advanced skill level suggested.
1:00 PM-4:00 PM EDT on Wed

Alla Prima Clothed Figure and Interior Painting

Adult Class | Available

The definition of alla prima is to finish a painting in one sitting. This course will cover color and tonal harmonies, chromatic perspective, application of paint, and composition using alla prima methods that will enable you to create a complete painting during each studio session. The historical subject matter of the clothed figure has been explored throughout the ages. We'll explore the anatomy and proportions of the figure and how to represent the clothed figure proportionally.  We will also focus on how the light creates the space around the model and how the model controls the attention of the viewer as a focal point.

Please always bring 3 small panels or canvas boards with different format prepared with grey gesso.

What you will learn:
1. Getting familiar with “Alla Prima Technique”
2. Learning how to compose a painting from start to finish
3. Learning the basics of color mixing
4. Learning how to see and paint color and value relationships
5. Learning the diverse methods to apply brush strokes
6. Representing the clothed figure

    • Turpenoid
    • Medium: Liquin Original
    • Paper towels
    •  Palette for mixing colors
    • Palette knife
    • Pizza box (or other box to transport wet paintings)
    • Panel sizes: Bring 3 support to paint on prepared with gray gesso. No smaller than 8"x10"inches and no bigger that 14"x16" inches

    Winton/Windsor & Newton Oil Paints (40 ml tube) suggested:
    • Cadmium Yellow Light
    Indian Yellow
    • Cadmium Orange
    • Cadmium Red Light
    • Permanent Alizarin Crimson
    • Dioxazine Purple
    • French Ultramarine
    • Titanium White (150 ml)
    • Ivory Black
    • Veridian Green
    • Chromium Oxide Green
    • Yellow Ochre
    • Raw Sienna
    • Indian Red
    • Burnt Sienna
    • Raw Umber

    The instructor will talk about brushes during the first class. Bring any brushes that you might already have. If you already have a color palette that you are familiar with and that works for you, please bring your own colors.

Giovanni Casadei