Demystifying Drawing Next Steps (tuition-free, six sessions)

Adult Tuition-Free Class | FULL (Membership Required)

Recommended for beginners only.
6:30 PM-9:30 PM EDT on Th

Demystifying Drawing Next Steps (tuition-free, six sessions)

Adult Tuition-Free Class | FULL (Membership Required)

Drawing can be daunting and it doesn't help that practiced artists make it look so effortless. To beginners, it can feel like it requires years, of practice, natural talent or some kind of magic to even get started. But it's not true! Drawing is for everyone and this class will help you jump in and get going.

Participants in this class will learn how to represent objects we see in everyday life. They will explore how to break objects and spaces down into representable shapes and how to build them back up again on the page using line, texture, and shading. Students in this class will learn the basics as well as a few tricks and tips for success in drawing from life and creating their own compositions.

What you will learn:
1. Basic principles of drawing 
2. Introductory skills for using pencil and charcoal
3. How to break spaces and objects up into their most basic forms, identify light sources and render shadows and highlights
4. Explore line quality and shading

  • • 14” x 17” white drawing paper pad or equivalent
    • Drawing pencils: HB, B, 2B, 6B, 2H
    • Pencil sharpener
    • Kneaded eraser
    • Hard eraser such as white plastic eraser
    • A charcoal pencil

Shane Gardner