Figure Drawing, Evening (tuition-free)

Adult Tuition-Free Class | FULL (Membership Required)

All levels welcome.
6:30 PM-8:30 PM EDT on Wed

Figure Drawing, Evening (tuition-free)

Adult Tuition-Free Class | FULL (Membership Required)

This class will introduce you to basic principals and techniques to successfully draw the figure. It is aimed for students who are interested in examining the traditional approach in figure drawing from life. You will discover a wide range of ideas and skills necessary to depict the body in a realistic manner. Topics covered include three-dimensional visualization, development of spatial imagination, proportion, tonal relationships, depth, volume, and composition.

What you will learn:
1. The basics of the human body’s anatomy for artists
2. Principles of traditional realistic imaging
3. Various drawing techniques and materials

• Participants must have a valid Fleisher membership.

  • • Newsprint pad, 18" x 24"
    • Drawing pad (70 lb.), 14" x 17" or 18" x 24"
    • Hard eraser & kneaded eraser
    • Knife or pencil sharpener
    Drawing board, must fit largest paper size of 18" x 24"
    Your choice of dry drawing medium. You may bring charcoal, conté, colored pencils, graphite, etc. NO wet mediums such as ink, marker or paint

Erik Peterson

Erik Adriel Peterson (they/them) is mixed-media narrative painter and educator. They received their MFA from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (‘23), where they also obtained a Post-Baccalaureate degree (‘15). Their BFA was received from the Lyme Academy College of the Fine Arts ('14).