Acrylic Painting (online)

Adult Online Class | Available

All levels welcome, recommended for beginners.
10:00 AM-12:00 PM EDT on Mon

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Acrylic Painting (online)

Adult Online Class | Available

This class is designed to develop the basic techniques to work with acrylic paints. Through experimentation on various mediums with different brands of acrylic paints, students will learn about the advantages and limitations of using acrylic paint and also how to overcome the common challenges. Students will also learn the differences between acrylic and oil painting. This class will also focus on basic techniques in painting, such as, coloring, blending, mixing, layering, brush types, stroke quality, surfaces making and color preservation. Basic knowledge of drawing and sketching would be beneficial but not mandatory.

What you will learn:
1. Basic techniques of acrylic painting
2. Advantages and limitations of acrylic paints
3. Application on different mediums and associated techniques
4. Blending, layering, mixing and color preservation
5. Color theory and texture development

Please note: This is a 9-session class. Class will not meet on Monday, May 26 in observance of Memorial Day.

  • This is an online class hosted through Zoom. We recommend that you download the free Zoom application on your computer, phone, or tablet in advance of the first class.

    You will receive a confirmation email containing a link to join the course via Zoom. The same link will be used each week.

  • For the first class bring these supplies:
    • Titanium White (at least 8.5oz)

    The following colors can be 2oz:
    • Cadmium yellow medium (hue is ok)
    • Cadmium red medium (hue is ok)
    • Burnt sienna
    • Raw umber
    • Permanent Green
    • Prussian blue
    • Ultramarine blue
    • Mars or Carbon Black

    Other Supplies:
    • Paper palette or plastic palette
    • Matte medium (at least 8oz)
    • 9”x 12” pre-stretched canvases or canvas boards (4 quantity) OR 9”x 12” watercolor pad
    • ½ inch, 1 inch and 2-inch Bright Acrylic Brushes
    • #2 and #6 Round Acrylic Brushes
    • Blue painter's tape
    • Palette knife
    • Container (for water and to clean brushes)
    • HB pencil
    • Ruler

    Optional Supplies:
    • Apron or smock
    • Pack of vinyl gloves
    • Spray bottle

Priscilla Bell