Mixed Material Basket Weaving (six sessions)
Adult Class | Available
This class will cover basketry techniques with fabric, wire, twine, and reed with a focus on upcycled and found materials. Students will learn three distinct weaving methods as well as how to make rope from raffia and scrap fabric. We’ll combine a focus on craftsmanship and hand skills with 3D design. The final products students make can be functional vessels, sculptures, lamp sconces, and more! Each class will include both demos and time for individual work with one-on-one check-ins with the instructor.
What you will learn:
1. Three-part wire weaving for vessel and sculpture
2. Coiling baskets with fabric scraps/upcycled fabric
3. Making rope from scrap fabric and/or raffia
4. Open paired twining for vessels, sculpture, and sconces
• Hefty needle-nosed pliers
• Wire snips (if your pliers don’t have them at the base)
• One 3.5 lb roll of rebar tie wire
• Scrap yarn and fabric – that random pile at the back of your closet will be perfect! I encourage upcycling materials for these techniques, and all types of materials will work, so you can use whatever you have on hand, including old clothes, bedsheets, shower curtains, etc.