Alla Prima Landscape Painting in FDR Park (five sessions)
Adult Class | Available
The variety of light and atmospheric situations that nature offers is an opportunity for you to explore space and sunlight in painting. You will learn and experiment with paint application; the relationship of thick versus thin paint; the different energy of strokes; and color mixing, while learning to make rapid decisions about your paintings. You will finish one to two paintings per session.
Please bring your own oil paint, and 2 panels with grey gesso 8" x 10."
What you will learn:
1. Alla Prima technique of starting and completing a painting in one session
2. Compose a painting from start to finish
3. Basics of color mixing
4. Learning how to see and paint color, and value relationships
5. Diverse methods to apply brush strokes
Plein Air sites have restrooms nearby.
• Portable collapsible easel (tripod sketch easel or French outdoor easel)
• Palette for mixing colors
• Soft brushes for working on a smooth panel
• Palette knife
• Turpenoid or odorless turpentine
• Windsor & Newton "Original Liquin as medium
• Small trash bags
• Paper towels or rags to clean brushes
• Cardboard tray to transport wet paintings
• Hat with wide rim
• Sunglasses
• Drinking water
• Suggested paint colors: Permalba White, Cadmium Lemon, Indian Yellow, Cadmium Orange, Cadmium Red Light , Permanent Rose Madder, French Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue (the hue for this color is ok), Viridian Green, Oxide Chromium Green, Raw Umber, Burnt Sienna, Indian Red, Raw Sienna, Yellow Ochre Light