Fiber Arts: Felting (four sessions)

Adult Class | Available

All levels welcome.
6:30 PM-9:30 PM EDT on Th

Fiber Arts: Felting (four sessions)

Adult Class | Available

This class will cover both needle and wet felting with a focus on 3D objects. We will use mostly wool but will also incorporate other natural fibers, fabric, and found objects. No previous fibers experience is necessary. Students will learn to make wearable items and felted sculpture. This will be a social working environment. The first 30-45 minutes of each class will be dedicated to demonstration and discussion. The rest of class time will be for individual work on projects and to practice techniques.

What you will learn:
1. Needle felting
2. Wet felting flat
3. Wet felting 3D
4. Wet felting around objects
5. Incorporating other materials

  • • 1 lb neutral color corriedale or merino roving. The exact amount you'll need depends on the size of work you plan to make.
    • A variety of different colored roving for pattern and decoration.
    • A set of felting needles
    • 1-2 rolls of cheap, bulky yarn
    • Found objects to felt around (for our last class)
    • Optional: dishwashing gloves

Hanna Vogel