Intuitive Concepts for Painting
Adult Class | Available
In this course, students will explore intuitive painting through a variety of creative lenses. You will not only learn how to better observe the world around you and tap into your creative intuition, but also how to take brave, curious and open-minded approaches to contemporary painting strategies. We will begin the course by creating an archive of inspiration by gathering real-world imagery that will be translated into workable motifs. Next, we will experiment with traditional brushes and nontraditional tools to build a vocabulary of various marks. Students can expect to learn a wide range of techniques used to produce a range of expressive markings, from bold to delicate and recognizable to abstract. Furthermore, students will explore a variety of mixed media approaches, textural applications and transparent layering techniques throughout many visual contexts and exercises. Students will gain an understanding of the appropriate use of acrylic paint and principles of composition and color theory. This course in Intuitive Painting focuses on exploring how paint and movement work together to create an original visual language that speaks to your own creative impulses.
What you will learn:
1. How to create individual archives of inspiration through the gathering of real world source imagery
2. A wide range of expressive markings and mixed media painting processes directly related to intuitive painting practices
3. Develop creative clarity and confidence to produce original and thought-provoking intuitive paintings
Please bring the supplies that you prefer to work with. Some suggestions are:
• Oil painters: professional quality paint such as Windsor Newton, Grumbacher, Golden in the following colors – titanium white (large tube), Mars black (smallest size), cadmium red medium, alizaran crimson, burnt sienna, raw umber, cadmium yellow light, cobalt blue, Prussian blue, chromium green(optional), violet or purple, yellow Ochre (optional)
• Oil Medium: Gamsol or Turpanoid odorless mineral spirits, Damar Varnish (small), and linseed oil (small)
• Acrylic painters: professional quality paints in the same colors as the oils above
• Acrylic medium: matte polymer medium
Additional supplies:
• Gessoed painting surface: Stretched canvas, wood panels or the student’s choice
• Paint brushes (bring a variety of flat and round brushes in different size
• 9 x 12, or 11 x 14 drawing pad (80lb. paper) optional for sketching out ideas.
• Disposable palette paper, large
• Jars with lids (at least three)
• Rags (paper towels are supplied)
• Masking tape
• Palette knife
• Drawing pencils
• Vine charcoal