Color for Painters
Adult Class | Available
This acrylic painting class is an in-depth and practical examination of the role of color in painting, from selecting and arranging palettes to the effects of paint layering. Explore color mixing strategies, color interactions, and perceptual influences through instructor presentations and group participation. Immersive color theory and color psychology will give you a foundation for selecting your preferred palettes.
What you will learn:
1. You will become adept with color theory to energize your paintings and alter viewer perceptions.
2. You will recognize the effects of color on the human psyche.
3. You will understand the role of color in history and its effects on society.
• "Sennelier Abstract Acrylic” paints, 120 ml:
- Mars Black
- Titanium White
- EITHER Cadmium Red Deep Hue, Cadmium Red Light Hue, or Primary Red
- EITHER Ultramarine Blue, Cobalt Blue Hue, or Primary Blue
- EITHER Cadmium Yellow Lemon Hue, Cadmium Yellow Medium Hue, or Primary Yellow
- EITHER Hookers Green, Permanent Green Light, or Sap Green
- EITHER Carmine Red, Deep Magenta, or Venetian Pink
• Plastic container for water
• Pallet knife
• Fredrix Canvas pad 11x14” or 9x12”
• A variety of synthetic brushes - Flat, rounded, and filbert
• Grey paper disposable palette
• Rags
• Sketchbook & Pen/Pencil
Erik Peterson
Erik Adriel Peterson (they/them) is mixed-media narrative painter and educator. They received their MFA from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (‘23), where they also obtained a Post-Baccalaureate degree (‘15). Their BFA was received from the Lyme Academy College of the Fine Arts ('14).