Alla Prima Still Life Oil Painting

Alla Prima Still Life Oil Painting

Adult Class | Available

All levels welcome.
9:00 AM-12:00 PM EDT on Wed

Alla Prima Still Life Oil Painting

Adult Class | Available

With a focus on the art of still life, this class explores the alla prima method, meaning to finish a painting in one sitting. Through this practice, you will learn about color and tonal harmonies, perspective, application of paint and composition. You will also develop concentration, the intensity of working, and decision making, through specific exercises, while painting. We'll also cover how to set up your own still life at home, and you will paint from your own still life setups.

  • • Turpenoid
    • Medium: Liquin Original
    • Paper towels
    • Palette for mixing colors
    • Palette knife
    • Panel sizes: Bring 3 support to paint on prepared with grey gesso. No smaller than 8"x10"inches and no bigger that 14"x16" inches
    • Oil Paints. Winton/Windsor & Newton colors (40 ml tube) suggested: Cadmium Yellow Light, Indian Yellow, Cadmium Orange, Cadmium Red Light, Permanent Alizarin Crimson, Dioxazine Purple, French Ultramarine, Titanium White (150 ml), Ivory Black, Veridian Green, Chromium Oxide Green, Yellow Ochre, Raw Sienna, Indian Red, Burnt Sienna, Raw Umber
    • The instructor will talk about brushes during the first class. Use any brushes that you might already have.

    If you already have a color palette that you are familiar and works for you, please use those.

Giovanni Casadei