Painting the Figure
Adult Class | Available
This class will provide you with an introduction to figure painting. Students will work from the live model. Emphasis will be given to seeing color and value (lights and darks) and mixing color. Students will gain understanding in how to translate what they see when looking at the model into a painting. Several demonstrations will be given during the class. Personal attention will be given to each student according to their experience. All levels of experience will benefit from this very fundamental course.
What you will learn:
1. Students will gain confidence in drawing the figure
2. Understanding of the importance of "gesture"
3. How to describe the mass and form with light and shadow
4. How to see proportion
5. Seeing the model in terms of shape, color and line quality
Please note: This is a 9-session class. Class will not meet on Monday, May 26 in observance of Memorial Day.