Portrait Painting (Monday)
Adult Class | Available
Gain a sense of confidence when attempting a portrait. In this workshop you will learn the fundamentals of developing a strong likeness. You will learn to see with greater understanding and how to translate what you see into a painting. Students will work from the live model. Several demonstrations will be given. Emphasis in this class is on fundamentals of seeing and mixing color. Skin is a very unique and demanding subject. By learning to see all the subtleties that constitute the illusion of skin in painting students will learn to be much more capable and confident in their approach to painting any subject matter – even abstract painting.
What you will learn:
1. Students will develop confidence in achieving a likeness
2. Fundamentals of head structure
3. Fundamentals of light and shadow
4. How to see and describe complexions
Please note: This is a 9-session class. Class will not meet on Monday, May 26 in observance of Memorial Day.
OIL COLORS: Winsor & Newton or Rembrandt or Gamblin.
I do not recommend student grade paints such as Winsor & Newton’s Winton or Utrecht brand paints.
• Ivory Black
• Ultramarine Blue
• Indian Red
• Yellow Ochre
• Cadmium Yellow
• Cadmium Red Light
• Chromium oxide green
• Sap Green
• Transparent Oxide Red
• Mixed White (combination of zinc and Titanium)
MEDIUM: Winsor and Newton’s “Liquin”
BRUSHES: Brushes should be a combination of bristle and sable or artificial sable brushes.
• Robert Simmons Signet bristle brushes, Filbert or Round shape #’s 6, 8, 10 & 12 – one or two of each
• Winsor & Newton Monarch Filbert series, #’s 4, 6 & 8 – one or two of each
• Monarch Round series, #’s, 2, 4 & 6 – one or two of each
• Medium sized canvas or board
• Either a “strip” palette made of sheets on a pad, or a wooden palette. Palette cups are the small tin cups which clip onto the palette and hold the medium and solvent.
• Mineral spirits, turpenoid or ‘Gamsol'
• Bounty or Viva (better quality)