Wagner Free Institute of Science second floor gallery

Drawing Animals at the Wagner Free Institute

Adult Tuition-Free Class | FULL

New offering! All levels welcome.
2:00 PM-4:30 PM EDT on Fri

Drawing Animals at the Wagner Free Institute

Adult Tuition-Free Class | FULL

Explore and draw the fascinating collection of insects and animals within the collection of the Wagner Free Institute of Science. This 5-session class emphasizes the understanding and illustration of anatomy and creating natural scenes that include our delightful specimens. Students will break down animal and insect forms to their most basic structures and skeletons. We will then learn to build the full bodies with special lessons in fur, feathers, and scales. Students will use these accumulated lessons to create their own illustrated scenes.

What you will learn:
1. Learn basic animal and insect anatomy
2. Grow your understanding of how to construct drawings of an insects and animals 
3. Build on basic skills and techniques to create your own compositions

  • Please note, this is an in-person, off site course that will take place at the Wagner Free Institute of Science 1700 W. Montgomery Ave. Philadelphia PA 19121 between North 17th Streets. Parking is unmetered on street parking. More information about directions and transportation can be found on the Wagner's website here.

    Please note that The Wagner is a national historic landmark that does not have accessible entrances or an elevator. The main gallery is located on the 2nd floor accessible only by stairs.

    There is no eating or drinking in the museum, but sealable water bottles are permitted. Artists are limited to using only museum-safe drawing materials. The guidelines will be reviewed in class.

  • • Graphite mechanical or regular pencils, HB, 2B, 4B
    • Drawing paper: 11”x14” spiral bound, hard-backed sketching pad; Strathmore 400 series or any sketchbook with the same or better quality paper
    • Kneaded eraser and hard pink eraser (or any hard eraser of same or better quality)
    Suggested Supplies
    • Lap-sized drawing board

Meg Lemieur