Introduction to Figure Painting (tuition-free)

Introduction to Figure Painting (tuition-free)

Adult Tuition-Free Class | FULL (Membership Required)

Advanced beginner to intermediate skills suggested.
7:00 PM-9:30 PM EDT on Th

Introduction to Figure Painting (tuition-free)

Adult Tuition-Free Class | FULL (Membership Required)

As an introduction to the fundamentals of painting the figure, this class covers a survey of painting materials and techniques focusing on the study of value and color in flesh painting. You will learn basic color mixing and develop skills for simplifying complex forms. Working from the model we will practice a variety of classical poses, starting with a number of single sets, eventually moving on to multiple night poses.

What you will learn:
1. Materials, mediums, tools and their usage
2. Color mixing and application of paint
3. Direct and indirect painting techniques
4. Composition
5. Basic anatomy and proportions

• Participants must have a valid Fleisher membership.

  • • Surfaces - medium to large surfaces (12x16-18x24). Just bring 1 or 2 surfaces to the first class. Surface material could be pre-stretched canvas, gessoed panels, canvas paper, gessoed cardboard, yupo paper. Canvas panels are a very convenient option
    • Brushes - medium size for oil or acrylic. Suggest Flats (#8, #4) and Rounds. Either natural hair or synthetic. Bristles tend to work best with oil, and synthetics work well with acrylic. Brushes will be discussed in more in the first class, if unsure please just bring whatever brushes you already have on hand.
    • Gamsol
    • Oil medium if using oil paint. Suggest Alkyd mediums such as Liquin, Utrecht Glazing Medium (not Walnut Alkyd medium). These mediums are very easy to use and will be discussed first session.
    • Large paper palette for mixing paint
    • Palette knife
    • Paper towels/rags (blue shop towels)

    Paints - warm and cool of each primary (this is the suggested palette, but is not mandatory):
    • Titanium white
    • Ivory Black
    • Burnt Umber
    • Raw Sienna
    • Ultramarine Blue
    • Cerulean or Cobalt Turquoise
    • Cadmium Vermillion or Permanent Red
    • Cadmium Yellow Deep
    • Cadmium Lemon
    • Quinacridone Magenta

    *Use middle expense brands like Gamblin, Utrecht, and Rembrandt. Stay away from "student grades", these paints have very little pigment in them and will be difficult to use.

    Expanded palette (less expensive alternatives in parentheses):
    • Cadmium Lemon (Cadmium Hue, or Permanent version)
    • Cadmium Yellow Medium or Deep (Cadmium Hue, or Permanent version)
    • Cadmium Orange (Cadmium Hue, or Permanent version)
    • (Naphthol Red [preferred]) or Cadmium Red Light
    • Quinacridone Magenta
    • Ultramarine Blue
    • Cobalt Turquoise Blue (Cerulean)
    • Viridian
    • Permanent green or Light Green
    • Ivory Black
    • Flake White or Titanium White
    • Yellow Ochre (Light)
    • Burnt Umber
    • Cobalt blue
    • Dioxazine Purple
    • Raw Umber
    • Raw Sienna
    • Caput Mortuum
    • Alizarin Crimson
    • Indian Yellow Deep or Extra Deep

David Heshmatpour