Darkroom Photography, Thursday (tuition-free)

Darkroom Photography, Thursday (tuition-free)

Adult Tuition-Free Class | FULL (Membership Required)

All levels welcome, recommended for beginners. | Accessibility: stairs
7:00 PM-9:30 PM EDT on Th

Darkroom Photography, Thursday (tuition-free)

Adult Tuition-Free Class | FULL (Membership Required)

This class provides students with the basic skills to print and manipulate black-and-white images in the darkroom. Learn how to operate a 35mm camera's settings for greater control, develop film, and print from negatives. This class offers you one-on-one darkroom instruction. Work with the instructor as you learn to finesse your printing technique.

What you will learn:
1. Basic knowledge of film camera usage.
2. Ability to develop film and print from negatives.
3. Learn specific printing techniques such as dodging and burning, using contrast filters, etc.
4. Hands-on knowledge of color toning and solarizing

• Participants must have a valid Fleisher membership.

Note that this classroom is accessible by stairs only; please contact Fleisher for more information.

  • The lab fee is for the use of studio; students are required to purchase additional supplies. You don’t need to bring anything to class on the first day, the instructor will explain what these materials are, and how they’re relevant, in the first class. Supplies with asterisk* are mandatory and should be purchased by around the third week of the term.

    • Single lens reflex camera with adjustable aperture and shutter speeds*
    • Kodak Tri-X / Ilford HP5 35mm film*
    • Ilford IV RC photographic paper (25 sheet box)*
    • 8x10 photo print files*
    • 3 ring binder notebook for storing negatives and prints*
    • #25 red filter, when photographing skies in B&W, this filter helps bring out definition in clouds

    Places to go for supplies:
    B&H Photo
    Webbcam, 241 N. 12th, 215-923-8380
    Freestyle Photo
    Unique Photo, 28 S 2nd St, 215-608-2222

Ahmed Salvador

Ahmed Salvador received his MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art and his BFA from The University of the Arts. In addition to teaching traditional photography at Fleisher, he is an exhibitions preparator at the Philadelphia International Airport’s Art & Exhibitions Program. Ahmed has shown work both solo and collaborative (with Scott McMahon) at The Lightroom, Bridgette Mayer Gallery, The University City Arts League, The Art Alliance, and as a Fleisher Challenge artist. Recently, he’s had collaborative work exhibited at the University of the Arts’ Sol Mednick Gallery: “Response Time,” and in a group show in Santa Fe, NM: “Poetics of Light,” Palace of the Governors New Mexico History Museum; solo and collaborative work at Space 1026, “Clarke’s Third Law”; and a solo show at Columbia College’s Hardwick gallery in Missouri: “Home and Other Stations.”

Artist's Website