Basket Weaving (tuition-free, five sessions)

Basket Weaving (tuition-free, five sessions)

Adult Tuition-Free Class | FULL (Membership Required)

All levels welcome.
6:30 PM-9:00 PM EST on Tue

Basket Weaving (tuition-free, five sessions)

Adult Tuition-Free Class | FULL (Membership Required)

Learn the basics of basketry techniques and test out 3 of them yourself. Starting with coiling we'll create small pieces to understand the process. Then using reed and cane we'll make traditional spring baskets together. After learning more about other techniques like using pine needles or ropes, twining or wicker and incorporating unconventional materials- everyone will have a chance to design their own basket with the support of your instructor's guidance.

What you will learn:
1. Learn the types of basket making.
2. Test your skills for at least 2 types of basketry weaving.
3. Take your learning and skills to guide you on what type of basketry you'd like to focus your time next.

• Participants must have a valid Fleisher membership.

  • Some supplies and tools will be provided. However, students should be prepared to bring materials for their work. The instructor will discuss the range of tools and materials that can be used by makers on the first day. 
    • Students are encouraged to bring materials like yarns, ropes, twines, recyclables, and unconventional basketry materials.

    Suggested tools and materials
    This Melon Basket weaving kit is highly recommended especially for beginners
    • This Basketweaver's Tool Set is recommended as an affordable set for anyone excited about jumping into traditional basket weaving.

Cassie Jones