Oil Painting (tuition-free)

Oil Painting (tuition-free)

Adult Tuition-Free Class | FULL (Membership Required)

All levels welcome.
7:00 PM-9:30 PM EST on Mon

Oil Painting (tuition-free)

Adult Tuition-Free Class | FULL (Membership Required)

A structured course for the beginning student that introduces painting materials and basic techniques. The focus is on oil painting, but acrylics are permitted. Previous drawing experience strongly recommended.

What you will learn:
1. Painting materials and tools
2. Alla prima painting technique
3. Basic color theory
4. Chiaroscuro
5. Glazing and scumbling

Please note: This is an 8-session class. Class will not meet on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day and on Monday, February 17 in observance of President's Day.

• Participants must have a valid Fleisher membership.

  • • Four canvases (16” X 20” suggested); do not use canvas board or canvas paper
    • Palette, or pad of disposable palette sheets
    • Palette cup
    • Odorless paint thinner (quart or larger recommended)
    • Large jar with lid
    • Small jar with lid
    • Refined linseed oil or prepared oil painting medium
    • Metal painting or palette knife
    • Natural bristle brushes in a variety of sizes and shapes
    • Soft vine charcoal (thin stick - optional).
    • Spray fixative (optional)
    • Paper towels or soft, lint-free rags
    • Paints: Titanium white (large tube), Burnt sienna, Yellow ochre, Lemon yellow, Cadmium yellow (medium) or permanent yellow (medium), Cadmium red (medium), Alizarin crimson, (French) ultramarine blue, Cerulean blue, Ivory black

Chau Nguyen