Introduction to Stop Motion Animation

Adult Class | FULL

New offering! All levels welcome.
6:30 PM-9:30 PM EST on Th

Introduction to Stop Motion Animation

Adult Class | FULL

This course delves into the old-school medium of stop-motion animation. Students will create their own moving artworks using digital tools, photography, and hands-on sculpting. As we explore the history and contemporary work in this field, you'll find that it's a challenging yet highly rewarding process. With the right mix of patience and creativity, students will unlock the potential to express fresh concepts through this entirely distinctive artistic medium.

What you will learn:
1. Mastering fundamental stop-motion techniques.
2. Analyzing the pros and cons of working with stop-motion.
3. Creating miniature puppets and sets using a variety of mixed media.
4. Understanding and applying the 12 principles of animation to enhance your work.

  • Start the term with these supplies:

    • DSLR Camera and Laptop -OR-
    • iPhone or iPad with Stop Motion Studio
    • Polymer clay
    • Sketchbook

Justin Fargiano