Digital Photography: The Camera

Digital Photography: The Camera

Adult Class | FULL

All levels welcome, recommended for beginners. | Accessibility: stairs
6:30 PM-9:30 PM EDT on Wed

Digital Photography: The Camera

Adult Class | FULL

This course will cover all the basics of using a digital camera and general photographic concepts. In addition to the technical aspects of digital photography, we will also explore design strategies and learn how to discuss and evaluate photographs through weekly reviews of student-made work as well as perusal of other photographers’ work from throughout the history of the medium. Weekly classes will generally be a mix of discussions, presentations, and hands-on activities with your camera both inside the classroom and outdoors in the neighborhood around Fleisher. (A field trip, though not included in the class outline, may also be scheduled depending on the progress and interests of the class.) Students should have consistent access to a camera for the duration of the course. Most styles of cameras are welcome, though to take full advantage of the techniques that will be covered during the course a camera with an interchangeable lens is recommended. This includes any DSLR and many mirrorless cameras as well. Information about cameras including recommendations will be covered in the first class.

What you will learn:
1. Learn basic photo concepts such as equivalent exposures
2. Learn basic digital imaging concepts such as capture format and sensor limitations
3. Learn basic camera controls such as aperture, shutter speed, and ISO
4. Learn the basic elements of composition and how to apply them effectively
5. Learn how to recognize available light and use it effectively in photographs
6. Learn how to evaluate and discuss photographs

Note that this classroom is accessible by stairs only; please contact Fleisher for more information.

  • Start the term with these supplies:
    • Digital SLR (Single Lens Reflex) camera, or digital mirrorless camera, or a digital point and shoot camera with manual settings capabilities
    • Memory card
    • Please bring an external flash or hard drive to class or be prepared to save your work on a cloud-based storage alternative. Fleisher's computers are shared tools and the hard drives are cleared regularly to keep them in good working condition.

    The Studio Fee includes the use of our digital studio, and one digital print.

Vladimir Hartman