Collage and Papercutting

Adult Class | FULL

All levels welcome. Profesor habla Espanol.
6:30 PM-9:30 PM EDT on Wed

Collage and Papercutting

Adult Class | FULL

Delve into the versatile and expressive art form of collage and papercutting. Working only with paper, acrylic colors, gold or silver leaf and an X-Acto knife, you will gain new skills while learning the fundamentals of art and design. Explore color theory and gain an understanding of compositional balance through cutting up and reassembling your artwork into new creations. By the end of this workshop, you will have created a small collection of works on paper composed and structured with a new vision. We suggest you have some prior drawing experience in order to participate in and enjoy this workshop.

What you will learn:
1. You will make a figurative and abstract composition using cut out forms.
2. Learn how to paint with acrylics to be used in cutting and assemblage of a new composition.
3. Learn how to create specific drawings for cutting and reassembly.
4. Learn the process of applying gold and silver leaf.
5. Learn the process of cutting up drawings with X-Acto knives in order to reassemble and understand the compositional balance.
6. Learn how to use different materials and objects to make a composition.

  • • X-Acto knife # 1
    • Strathmore water color paper, cold press, 140 lb ( 300g/m2 )
    • Acid free glue
    • One sheet of foam board, ( ¼ width)
    • A variety of paintbrush sizes for acrylic paint
    • Acrylic color (yellow, blue, red, white, black)
    • Cutting mat
    • Metal ruler (24 “)

Henry Bermudez