Darkroom: Color Photography

Darkroom: Color Photography

Adult Class | FULL

35mm or medium format experience recommended. | Accessibility: stairs
6:30 PM-9:30 PM EDT on Mon

Darkroom: Color Photography

Adult Class | FULL

In this class we will discover the disappearing art of Traditional Color Darkroom Photography! You will develop 35mm or medium format negatives and print/enlarge with those formats as well as from 4x5 color film! This will be done by using similar color chemistry to the ones used in those bygone Mom & Pop Foto-Mat stores. Do you want that funky 70-80's retro look in your 8x10 or 11x14 sized shots? Do you want a hands-on approach rather than pressing a button on your smartphone? You will master all of this in one term.

What you will learn:
1. How to develop color negative film.
2. How to enlarge, color correct, and print your own color photographs using traditional chemistry.
3. How to solarize a print in color! (a phenomenon in photography in which the image recorded on a photographic print is wholly or partially reversed in tone. Dark areas appear light or light areas appear dark.
4. How to print from color slides.

Please note: This is an 8-session class. Class will not meet on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day and on Monday, February 17 in observance of President's Day.

Note that this classroom is accessible by stairs only; please contact Fleisher for more information.

  • • You will need a camera to shoot new rolls of film. This can be any kind of film, b&w or color, even E-6 slides, but ideally to start, C-41 color film.

    The instructor will cover additional supplies and explain what kind of photo paper to purchase on the first day of class.

    You will also need, but can wait until the 2nd class:
    • An exposed roll of color film (35MM, or 120MM), or any previously shot sets of negatives.
    • 8x10 photo print files
    • 3 ring binder notebook for storing negatives & prints
    Fujicolor RA-4 photo paper

    Places to go for supplies:
    B&H Photo
    Webbcam, 241 N. 12th, 215-923-8380
    Freestyle Photo
    Unique Photo, 28 S 2nd St, 215-608-2222

Ahmed Salvador

Ahmed Salvador received his MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art and his BFA from The University of the Arts. In addition to teaching traditional photography at Fleisher, he is an exhibitions preparator at the Philadelphia International Airport’s Art & Exhibitions Program. Ahmed has shown work both solo and collaborative (with Scott McMahon) at The Lightroom, Bridgette Mayer Gallery, The University City Arts League, The Art Alliance, and as a Fleisher Challenge artist. Recently, he’s had collaborative work exhibited at the University of the Arts’ Sol Mednick Gallery: “Response Time,” and in a group show in Santa Fe, NM: “Poetics of Light,” Palace of the Governors New Mexico History Museum; solo and collaborative work at Space 1026, “Clarke’s Third Law”; and a solo show at Columbia College’s Hardwick gallery in Missouri: “Home and Other Stations.”

Artist's Website