Coil-Built Forms with Fibers

Adult Summer Class | This program is completed

New offering! All levels welcome.
1:00 PM-4:00 PM EST on Tue

Coil-Built Forms with Fibers

Adult Summer Class | This program is completed

This class will cover the basics of the coiling basketry technique, with a focus on experimental sculptural objects. We'll use cotton coiling core, yarn, fabric, and other flexible materials to shape and build forms. Students will learn how to coil a base, then transition to form the additional surfaces of their object(s).

The first 45 minutes of each session will be dedicated to demonstration and discussion. The remaining time will be dedicated to practicing techniques, making samples, and individual projects. No previous fibers experience is necessary; all skill levels are welcome.

What you will learn:
1. Basic coiling (basketry)
2. Application of various flexible materials to a fiber core
3. Proper coiling tension
4. Free and armature-based forming with fiber materials

  • • Large-eye plastic yarn needles
    • Yarn/scrap fabric/any flexible material for coiling
    • Desired object(s) to provide base for forming sculptures/vessels

Joy O. Ude