Portrait Drawing

Adult Class | This program is completed

All levels welcome.


1:00 PM-4:00 PM EDT on Mon





Gain a sense of confidence when attempting a portrait. In this class, you will learn the fundamentals of developing a strong likeness. Achieving a likeness involves head structure, placement of features and observation of light and shadow. You will learn to see with greater understanding and how to translate the human face you see into a drawing. We will be working from photographs, drawings, live models, and master works.
WHAT WILL YOU LEARN IN THIS COURSE 1. The ability to get a strong likeness every time 2. The observation and understanding of head structure. 3. Learning to see the direction of light in terms of light and shadow patterns 4. Observing complexion as a relationship of skin color, hair color and eye color 5. Seeing the three qualities of light: light, transition and shadow

  • This is an in-person class which will take place in our building with strict social distancing protocols and reduced student capacity. Proof of vaccination is required, and masks must be worn at all times. Please see our COVID-19 community safety policies.

    Please note: this is an 8 session course. Fleisher will be closed on January 17 and February 21 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day and President's Day.

  • • Charcoal and Pencils, 2B, 4B, 8B and HB
  • • Newsprint and Charcoal pads, 16 x 20 inches or smaller
  • • White Conte and White Charcoal
  • • Kneaded Eraser