114 Whodunit

In-Person | FULL (Membership Required)

229 North 14th Ave Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 United States
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114 Whodunit

In-Person | FULL (Membership Required)

Wondering what to read next?  Join our mystery reading discussion group.  Lynn Kaczmarek, retired Managing Editor of the national publication “Mystery News,” will lead the group, introducing you to new and not-so-new authors in five sub-genres: British, Amateur Sleuth, Warm Country Settings, Books to Movies/ TV, Wild Card.  There are over 1500 mysteries published every year.  Let us help you find the ones that are just right for you!  Come to the first class prepared to talk about your favorite (or most recently read) mystery.
NOTE:  Meeting dates are:  2/13, 2/27, 3/13, 3/27, 4/10, 4/24.

  • Coordinator:  Liz Orlock, 920-559-9235October sessions only

    E-Mail:  liz.orlock@gmail.com