088 ROADTRIP! A Make-believe 12 Month USA Trip at 70F

In-Person | Available (Membership Required)

229 North 14th Ave Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 United States
10:00 AM-12:00 PM CDT on Mon

088 ROADTRIP! A Make-believe 12 Month USA Trip at 70F

In-Person | Available (Membership Required)

Come on along and help guide a one year 10,000-mile (virtual) tour where the average daily high temperature is 70°F.  We will “stop” at 24 cities, 2 per month, from January to December.  Four “touring” options will be available each half month, chosen by class consensus.  I will tell my stories for the “stopping” places and hope that others have theirs to share.  Let’s have fun and dream (or plan) the ultimate USA road trip.

  • Coordinator:  Pat Bopray, 920-621-6635

    E-Mail:  pathar6635@live.com