006 AHA Heart Saver First Aid

In-Person | FULL (Membership Required)

229 North 14th Ave Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 United States



5/8/2024 (one day)

9:00 AM-12:00 PM CDT on Wed


Fee: $25 fee due at the time of registration to guarantee your seat in the class. AHA Certified Course including first aid basics dealing with medical emergencies such as heart attacks, stroke, choking injuries, and environmental emergencies. Upon completion of course the member receives an AHA certification card that is good for 2 years. Fee for this course is $25.00 and includes a manual, supplies, and certification card. If you sign up for Heart Saver CPR and AED course, you will only need to pay the fee once.

  • Presenter: Karen Callahan
    Coordinator: Michael Callahan, 815-814-4226